Friday, December 26, 2008


And it seems that Solomon has a subtle influence over my thoughts on this topic. For many, existence on earth is but vanity. The life of a man is practically meaningless. For a man is born, aquires knowledge, works for a survival and dies. Rarely does he leave behind tangible things that benefit the existence of mankind. His life is then not much different from any other animal, being aimless, meaningless, fruitless.

By what is a man already past remembered? By his works? For his works are for himself. If he ceases to exist, then his works no longer hold value. By the product of his labour? For his possesions would be aquired by someone else, then nothing left is his. Over generations, billions have come and gone, and the life goes on. The life of man is but a vapour, a passing moment. Little can be done is such a short time of existence which can call for due attention. Life thus for man, with a concious soul is empty, painful and depressing.

Education is a painful process that many people would have to endure. For many, a large portion of aquired knowledge would be irrelavent to the job they would hold in the future. And who really remembers what one has learned decades ago? When a man dies, the effort, time, resources used to educated the man, and his gained knowledge is all made void. (of course here i am not totally discounting the role of education in nurturing a person. education is vital for instilling culture, training thought process etc)

So for what then is life for? Simply put, the purpose of life is to worship God. That we glorify him in all we do, obtain joy through obedience and service, and the joy of the Lord is our strength.

ahh i lost focus. i thus end the post here.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee;
Let the water and the blood,
From Thy riven side which flowed,
Be of sin the double cure;
Save from wrath and make me pure.

Not the labour of my hands
Can fulfil Thy law’s demands;
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears for ever flow,
All for sin could not atone;
Thou must save, and Thou alone.

Nothing in my hand I bring,
Simply to the cross I cling;
Naked, come to Thee for dress;
Helpless, look to Thee for grace;
Foul, I to the fountain fly;
Wash me, Saviour, else I die.

While I draw this fleeting breath,
When my eyelids close in death,
When I soar to worlds unknown,
See Thee on Thy judgement throne,
Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
Let me hide myself in Thee.

Friday, October 10, 2008

what is man?

what defines a man's identity? what exactly makes us different from another individual? is it outward appearance? is it personality? is it the way he thinks or what he thinks about?

what makes me daniel and not somebody else? is my mode of thinking unique to me alone? what are the chances that my physical appearance is the same as somebody past, present or future? where does identity reside? in the soul or in the body? or is the body simply a shell?

is identity a collective group of thoughts? are thoughts then simply electrochemical changes within the brain or something spiritual, transcending physical processes? where then does the soul reside?

in my own opinion, the body is a shell. i dont think the soul necessarily stays in any particular part. its just there, maybe something akin to air. God did breathe life into adam. (Gen 2:7) Taking the existence of God and soul as a given, is identity set uniquely from the start or is it nurtured into a certain form after time?

does man exist in reality? what is reality? is reality and experience or a presence of matter? does my being exist because i just do? can the existence of an object be proven by the confirmation of an equally improbable/probable object?

does man exist in time? how would i know that i existed before now? are we not always changing/evolving/adapting? is the person from 1 second ago same as the person now?

the answers to these questions i do not know. why bother? im going to sleep.

sidenote-> question mark count: 25

Thursday, October 9, 2008

stock markets dont look too good.

Friday, October 3, 2008

There is no need for a title.

It is interesting to see if people would actually spent time reading the content in this blog. Admittedly the post is long and personally im not fond of reading. Feel free to leave tags. There was alot more i had wanted to rant on about, but i have lost interest for now. I've forgotten whatever thought it was anyway. Memory and articulation are not my strengths either.

"What if there were no hypothetical situations?" John Mendoza

What is time that we should waste it?

The one sole reason for this blog - i am bored. Being bored entails that i am in a situation where time is aplenty and i have found no way in which to use it. Thus turn i to blogger in a time wasting attempt. For this cause blogger has successfully fulfilled its role in these mere minutes of my life. But then the question is, what is time?

Time is a dimension, a plane in our existence. Everything progresses along with time. In that case, one cannot opine on having time or not - time is simply there and we exist in time. What then is the point of this discussion? There is no point as i am only finding a means in which i can entertain myself for this length of time before society requires me to return to my role of a student in aimless inquiry.

Can there be a noble motive for blogging? For most, blogging captures the past events of a person's life into words. Words for others to plough through. Reading blogs can use up a significant amount of time in a person's day. Has anyone blogged about reading blogs? In reality it does take up time in our lives and is an event that has happened. Pointless though. The idea would barely cross the mind of an average person due to its mundaness. People blog about interesting events, mostly in an unconcious attempt to cause readers to infer that their whole life in fact is interesting.

Why not try something unique? Unique things are interesting. Why not blog about the boring and mundane things in life. Would people then be bothered to read it? It is after all, probably unique.

Today i went to school. I wont delve into the detail of my social studies exam. It is too interesting a topic. Rather, i went for a run after that. I ran three large rounds of about 1km each. The concrete was hard and grey. The weather was fine though as it had just rained. Therefore the floor was slightly wet. I ran with socks and shoes, the brand of my shoes is NewBalance. I had good balance since throughout the whole run i did not fall even once. After running i was really thirstly so i drank water from my water bottle.

Typing all that was a chore. It had barely any mental stimulation aside from recalling details. Not fun.