Friday, December 26, 2008


And it seems that Solomon has a subtle influence over my thoughts on this topic. For many, existence on earth is but vanity. The life of a man is practically meaningless. For a man is born, aquires knowledge, works for a survival and dies. Rarely does he leave behind tangible things that benefit the existence of mankind. His life is then not much different from any other animal, being aimless, meaningless, fruitless.

By what is a man already past remembered? By his works? For his works are for himself. If he ceases to exist, then his works no longer hold value. By the product of his labour? For his possesions would be aquired by someone else, then nothing left is his. Over generations, billions have come and gone, and the life goes on. The life of man is but a vapour, a passing moment. Little can be done is such a short time of existence which can call for due attention. Life thus for man, with a concious soul is empty, painful and depressing.

Education is a painful process that many people would have to endure. For many, a large portion of aquired knowledge would be irrelavent to the job they would hold in the future. And who really remembers what one has learned decades ago? When a man dies, the effort, time, resources used to educated the man, and his gained knowledge is all made void. (of course here i am not totally discounting the role of education in nurturing a person. education is vital for instilling culture, training thought process etc)

So for what then is life for? Simply put, the purpose of life is to worship God. That we glorify him in all we do, obtain joy through obedience and service, and the joy of the Lord is our strength.

ahh i lost focus. i thus end the post here.

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