Saturday, September 19, 2009

sit down. think.

its time to stop. stop. sit down, and reflect. think. through all this time, what have you been doing? so much time, so much time. what have you done with it? done any good? did anything useful? where are you now? what have you accomplished? what have you attained? can you answer? of everything done, of everything decided, is there any good in it? anything of worth, of value? what about opportunities? did you use them? grasp them? fully make use of it till nothing more can be done? answer me. did you? of the time available. everyone has the same time available. what have you done with yours? you well know what is useful, what is of value. what decisions made would affect the present and the future. or did you not know? indeed. many many years have passed. much time. many opportunities within that time. with such time and chance, much can be done. what have you done? do not think that with the ignorance of youth all can be forgiven. the youth are not ignorant. so? what accomplishments have you to show? a benchmark set, goal achieved, worthy mention. a prize. a result. what have you?

wake up daniel.

you have nothing. you know it. you are nothing. you know it. you have done nothing. you know it. so much time. so many opportunities. year after year after year. your life has been blessed with so much grace, and mercy from above. what have you done with it? you have done nothing. you took it, and sat there and rotted away. you are worthless. meaningless. useless. look at where you are now. wherever it is. you think you could have ever reached there with your strength alone? joke. you are hopeless. weak. how is it you are where you are? mercy. thats right. hear it. none of what you have now is yours. you don't deserve any of it anyway. you are worthless. with all the good received, you did nothing and wasted it all away. a waste of a life. you're not smart. you're not hardworking. you're not fit. you're not a leader. whatever you've had, was mercy. all of it. mercy, and opportunity for something more. greatness. goodness.

you think now, you're a mess. go ahead! wallow in your deathly pools of self pity. tremble and despair. for you are nothing, and at this rate, nothing you shall be. you think life is hard. hard to you. you cannot take it. that your situation is hopeless. that it cannot be helped. and you will fall in your downward spiral of circumstance and consequence. you know you are weak. you have done nothing about it. you blame life. you think it's unfair. you think it's not your fault. what of all the opportunity given? the potential for greatness. you had it. you know it. from what was real, solid, possible; you have made it to an illusion, a shade of its former self, a story now long time gone. the past. where do you stand now? here. your body in the present. your mind in the torment of the present. headlong to destruction and doom. and your pride, trapped in the glory of a long time past.

where is it? the strength you once could muster. the strength to overcome. where have you left it? lost it?

Find It.

there is still yet hope, to save yourself from the imminent doom. there is still yet a little time. o wretched being, save yourself.

Stand Up again. Fight.

you were meant for greater things. higher things. things more noble, more honourable. mightier things. bring your misguided out of that past and face the present. it isn't an option. stop blaming the circumstance, the situation. they didn't defeat you. life didn't defeat you. you defeated yourself. away with that acursed slothfulness. laziness. face the problems you created, and go through them. this life is yours to live. the time left is but a little. what are you going to do about that?

for you with a mind, look, reflect. look at the past awasted. the time gone. the opportunities gone. the decisions made, and those that were not. look where you have brought yourself. is this satisfaction? is this enjoyment? is this happiness? where is your joy? thats right. be irritated. be frustrated. feel that anger. you brought all this upon yourself. the fault is yours alone! the burdens yours to carry! now,


feel that anger course within. burning. blazing. eating away at your soul. see. see those flames, and fires of resentment. you hate what you have done and have not done. you hate where you are. you hate yourself. good. Now. take that hate. the darkness of your anger. take it, and FIGHT.

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